Flights to Cancun in November and December

Flights to Cancun in November and December – During the pandemic lockdown, Cancun Airport was receiving only a few international flights. Now that Mexico is open to tourism, and the economic reactivation is getting better some airlines have decided to … Continued

Flights from Europe Returned to Cancun

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Flights from Europe Returned to Cancun – The Last Flight from Europe that arrived at Cancun Airport was in March 2020. After that, the pandemic came, and the sanitary emergency caused the closure of borders, and flights had to be canceled. Since … Continued

Mexican tourist destinations able to visit

Mexico has incredible biodiversity around the country. That is why is the favorite place for travelers to sightseeing. Beaches, Forest, Lakes, lagoons, and even deserts are some of Mexico’s ecosystems. Today we will show you 3 Mexican tourist destinations able … Continued