Accommodation is offered to stranded tourists at Cancun Airport

The world is currently experiencing one of the most difficult moments. Many tourists who have been traveling did not expect the Covid-19 to catch them in the middle of their vacation. The virus spread so quickly, so many of them were unable to do anything, and their government was forced to close the borders. As we know Cancun is an international destination all over the world, and travelers used to spend more than two weeks in the city. Most of the guests have a scheduled flight and they couldn’t leave the city early. Besides, the airlines have canceled some flights because of the border closure.

At least 350 foreign tourists are stranded in Cancun, mainly from Argentina, Peru, and Chile. In the last days, these countries and many others from Latin America are decided to close their borders. Brazil, Uruguay, and Colombia have taken action too.

cancun airport stranded tourists

Accommodation is offered to stranded tourists at Cancun Airport

Due to this problem, the tourism secretary has taken measures to help and facilitate this situation for travelers.

Marisol Vanegas, head of the Quintana Roo Tourism Secretariat, confirmed on Sunday she activated the first hostel with 86 visitors. These visitors are waiting for their flight to leave for their country. But 250 more people opted for hotels at the low cost they are available.

Accommodation in ultra-low-cost hotels will be used on a temporarily with special consideration for tourists who remain stranded after the closure of some of the country’s borders.

She says the situation is gradually correcting and some airlines are taking care of returning them to their home country. Vanegas Pérez added that there are no rescue flights scheduled. But said that the secretary of tourism is very attentive to serve these travelers, as well as those who still arrive from countries that have not restricted travel.

The hostel has mostly Peruvians, who have been stranded for more than six days after the country closed its borders. Although there are also some Uruguayans and Argentines.

However, not all travelers are opting for these options. Some prefer to stay at the Cancun International Airport, waiting for a flight to leave and return to their country. Also, lots of local people have joined to help the tourists giving them food and water to spend this difficult time.

Thanks to read Accommodation is offered to stranded tourists at Cancun Airport

Cancun Airport

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